About Petit Troupeau.

Who does Petit Troupeau believe?

We are rooted from the Primitive Apostolic Church. Our teaching is based on the teaching of the disciples and our foundation is Yahshua Ha-mashiach

– We believe in the Bible alone and it is the basis of our faith. The Bible is the Word of Yahweh that teaches, corrects, and prepares us for all good works

– We believe that YHWH is the creator of heaven and earth, the world was created in 6 days (day of a 24-hour cycle, and he rested in the 7th day).

– We believe that mankind were created by Yahweh, for His glory, He created man with the free will to choose

– We believe in a Trinitarian Elohim. The father’s name is Yahweh, the son is Yahshua and the holy spirit is the acting force of  Yahweh

– We believe the seal that will mark those who will be saved is the name of the father and the name of the son

– We believe in one baptism by immersion

– We believe that the law of the Old Testament was not abolished. The law exercises its power over humans as long as they live. Sacrificial part of the law stopped at Golgotha.

– We believe in the annual festivals such as: the passover,  unleavened bread,  Pentecost,  tabernacle, feast of trumpets, atonement

– We believe in the Sabbath 7th day sabbath according to the biblical lunisolar calendar

-We believe in the calendar based on the sun and the moon that YHWH gave in Genesis as a sign to mark days, years and seasons.

– We believe in the testimony of Yahshua

– We believe in the spirit of the prophets

– We believe that a servant must submit fully to the will of YHWH, they must manage their affairs and their families well, prayer must be a central part of a servant’s life

 -Marriage is a man and a woman, one husband and one wife

– We believe in the message of the kingdom

– We believe Yahshua will return, on the clouds and we will meet him in the air, the earth will be restored

– We believe the thousand year millennium will  be on earth and  Yahshua will reign as king

– We believe there are 2 resurrections. The first resurrection is for the saints. The second resurrection will take place after the thousand years. And it will be the resurrection of the wicked.

– We believe in the last judgment

– We believe that all those who did not have their names inscribed in the book of life will be cast into eternal fire

– We believe in the new heavens and new earth and YHWH will be among his people forever.

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